
Tuck and Cover

Alright, I am going to put this out there. I think that I am great at doing hair. I love to try new and interesting styles, and am always doing something different. I will be honest, I even cut my own hair. I know- I sound a little back woods, but I'll tell you the story.

When I was a 10th grader, I went to a professional hair salon (I won't mention their name) and asked for long layers in my very thick, curly hair. I would always straighten it, and this is around the time that the "Rachel" was so popular. My stylist was an older lady and I think she got confused because by the time I was out of that chair- a mullet had happened. True Story! It was absolutely horrible. I wore it back in a half pony for about a month until it had grown out enough to blend in. If I wasn't very embarrassed of this, I would totally post a picture of this atrocity. I laugh about it now, but since then I have always cut my hair myself to avoid disasters such as this. I had a roommate in college that was trained and for a while she would cut and style my hair. Last year I even went to another salon just to see if things would change. She colored and cut my hair and I kid you not, I looked no different than when I had walked in. What's the point in spending all that money!

So, with all that being said, I have a bunch of pins on pinterest for hair. Some of them I might not even try because they are meant for longer hair, and I chopped mine off in May. But there was this super cute style that looks like it requires two elastic bands. Looked super easy, right? I have tried it twice now and I still can't figure out what they are showing you how to do. The style came from, and they posted it from a blog which is also not super helpful. If anybody gets this to work, let me know the trick. I'm under the impression my hair is not long enough, but I don't know, maybe I'm not as skilled as I think I am.

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