
Take Better Pictures with your Iphone

I am going to start out by saying that I am not a professional photo taker, nor do I claim to be. I am the girl who never takes the pictures, and had a broken digital camera for almost a year before I bought another one. When my husband and I went on our honeymoon, we took maybe a total of 20 pictures for the whole week that we were there.

I know that will all change once we have a baby so I thought I would get used to taking pictures now. I already know I am not going to be the girl with the giant camera attached to my back, getting down on my hands and knees for the perfect shot. So, when I saw this pin for taking better pictures with your iPhone I had found my muse. I am only going to cover the items I found useful, but seriously go to her blog, Grumbles and Grunts if you want the full tips and tricks, it was well worth it.

1. Stand Still. I like how she mentions to anchor your arms on your chest so that you don't shake. So- two hands on your phone, elbows on your body, hold still and press the button. Number 1 error I make all the time. I'm totally that person with my hand out as far as possible trying to push the button and getting a blurry shot.

2. Take lots of shots. Like she says- you aren't going to ruin your shutter so keep at it. Take a bunch of shots, and only keep the 1 or 2 that are good. I try to get the prefect photo in one shot. Now, I will say when you are taking a bunch of action shots this works, or you have a still subject like your dog. My husband would definitely not tolerate our "selfie" pictures if I told him I was going to take 50 of them. So, I'll use this tip at my own discretion.

3. Use a photo app. She suggests Camera +. I would concur. After I read this article, I downloaded a bunch of free camera apps to test them out, because camera + costs $1.99. I know, not a lot, but I hate buying apps, especially if you don't know if they are worth it. Well, this one is worth it! Since I downloaded it this week, I have deleted all of my other photo apps, and I plan on moving it to my front screen because I love it so much!

So, I get this is only three tips- but they are three tips that have made my photos better even from this week. Maybe I'll become a camera person someday! Now- off to take some more photos.

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