
Pandora Workout Stations

I know that I really should be exercising right now, but man do I lack motivation. This whole creating life thing is hard. So, I figured this week instead of starting a new four week work out, I was just going to learn about what I can do to get back on track once I do have the energy to workout again.

When I work out indoors, I need the TV on and the headphones in or I lose interest pretty quickly. We do get about six months out of the year that you can do your workouts outside. I used to be a big runner, I had even trained for a marathon once (my job got in the way and I never competed in Minneapolis). When you run, it seems like time slips away. I put my headphones in and just go. Once I met my husband though, my running sort of went downhill. He has a bad knee due to a baseball injury so I couldn't necessarily make him run with me. We would go to the gym though, or go for bike rides or walks. We bought an elliptical awhile back, but to be honest, it hasn't seen much action since about April. Once the baby comes, we'll be back to winter weather so I will be stuck inside. I normally listen to Pandora when I work out because 1: it's free, 2:it's not the same songs over and over again and 3: it's easy to use.

I came across a pin labeled 12 secret Pandora workout stations and thought I would give them a go. First of, here were my favorites from her list on Aleys Virtual Gym:

1. 80's Cardio. I actually listen to it at work as well, it gets you pretty pumped for the day (if you like the 80's).

2. Alternative Endurance Training. I knew most of the songs- it actually reminded me of stuff my husband listens.

3. Dance Cardio. I will totally use this one when I can run outside again. Or possibly when I am having a bad day and just need to dance it out (yep- I'm that girl).

4. Hard Rock Strength Training. I would probably only use this when I am feeling like a total bad-ass. I feel like I would have to be angry and ready to burn off some energy.

5. Pop and Hip Hop Workout. This reminds me of the days of being 21, going to the bar, and dancing "top shelf". Good times!

6. Pop Fitness. Sort of like today's hits station, but all pop- all the time. First song and I was in love.

Here are the other ones on her list which I wasn't a huge fan of, but I know not everyone has my exact taste in music.

1. Classic Rock Power Workout
2. Country Fitness
3. Electronic Cardio
4. Rap Strength Training
5. Yoga
6. Yoga Workout (this could possibly move up to my favorites if I actually did yoga. I probably need to, I'm a little high strung).

Don't like any of these? Here's a tip- type in workout, fitness, running, etc into the search and click at the bottom to search for that term. It will pull up songs, artists, and stations that match that term. People make up play lists all the time, and there are tons of other options available.

Hope this gets you pumped up to go onto your next workout!

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