
Child Proof Your Apps

Say What?!?! I thought it was good enough when I learned how to put a pin on my iPhone. Now, although I don't have kids right now, I think this is a good idea to learn. Who knows what phone I will have by the time they are old enough to play with my stuff, but I do have a nephew that this would work wonders on. Especially since he is to the age when he is trying to figure out my passcodes!

So below are step by step instructions along with pictures (depending on how you like to learn). I have heard this is also the same steps to follow for the iPad (would make sense, wouldn't it). Hopefully you get some great knowledge today- as I know I have!! If you want to see the original pin, visit Life with Fingerprints - she seems like my kind of person. I wish pinterest would do a compatibility chart based on pins. I'm sure we would score pretty high.

1. Click on Settings

2. Click on General

3. Scroll down to Accessibility

4. Scroll down to section labeled learning, and choose guided access

5. Turn Guided Access on.

6. Set Passcode which will be used for Guided access.

7. Choose if you want screen sleep on or off.

You have now set up guided access on your iPhone which will childproof your apps when you let your kids (or adult husband) play with your phone.

Fine and great right! But how do you actually do it?!? (I tried doing pictures of these- but it totally didn't like me).

1. Open app that you will allow them to use

2. Triple Click home screen (big round button at bottom of phone) while in app

3. Guided access will turn on.

4. Press Start to uses full mode guided access. Or circle areas that you want disabled (options will let you choose if finger taps work, and motion detected).

5. App is now in guided access mode.

6. To exit guided access mode, triple click home screen button. Will ask for your passcode. Once you type it end it will then let you choose end, or if you did this in error you can press resume to keep in guided access mode.

Now seriously, isn't this fabulous! WOW!!

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