
Ways to make your marriage rock

My husband Russell and I got married last October (in 2012). We had a fantastic wedding, and wonderful honeymoon. We always have a blast on our vacations, and when special events come around. However, just like other couples, the day to day operations of our marriage are boring. Yes we do talk about our day with each other, and discuss household items like projects and bills- but you see how boring that is even just reading it. I'm not saying I need everyday to be a whirlwind of emotions with him but it would be nice to show him how much I appreciate him (and hopefully vice versa).

I have pinned quite a number of articles and advice on how to enhance our relationship and I thought I would take this time to review one of the pins called "100 ways to make your marriage rock". It was nice to see that most of these items we were already doing. To see the full 100 ways, please visit their blog We Are That Family.

So below are the items we already do with each other, and then I am also going to try to incorporate some of their ideas into the future and see how they go. Let me know which ones you are already doing, and which ones you might plan to try in the future!

Ways My and Russell's Marriage Rocks:

1.We go on regular date nights. Mostly dinners or sometimes movies. It's easy right now because we don't have a child- I'll have to make sure we keep this one up once the baby comes.

2. We go to bed at the same time: even though most of the time I have to get him off of the couch he is sleeping on first to go to bed together.

3. I buy him gifts he will love (and he does the same). He is a huge Red Sox fan as well as the Chiefs so it makes it pretty easy to get things he will love- one of his favorites is this cheesy little Mr. Potato Head doll that has a few different red sox uniforms. I got it on Amazon- they have other sports teams too in case your husband like a different team. If you have been following my blog you know that he has gotten me a sewing machine that I love, and a Keurig that I can't live without.

4. Praise your spouse to other people. I don't know if he does this or not, but I do. All the time. In fact I will do it right now. He is the nicest, kindest, most hard working guy I know. He is also fantastic with kids so I can not wait to see him be a dad. He will be absolutely amazing.

5. Be best friends. He unfortunately knows all the good and bad that is me. I don't hold anything back from him, and he doesn't from me. I can tell him anything (of course sometimes he has selective hearing so he doesn't remember everything I have said to him because he wasn't actually listening).

6. I let him make the big decisions. This was one of those live and learn moments. For the longest time, we would bicker over the way things should/would be done. Now I let him have it- the choices he's made so far have all turned out (I mean- he picked me right!) so I trust his decisions.

7. He lets me make the small ones. Where to eat dinner, paint color choices, etc. I do almost all of the decorating too- although he does get to pick out some stuff.

8. I don't nag him....HA! just kidding, I'm still working on that one. It's a force of habit.

9. He puts down the toilet seat for me, and picks up his socks (see- where would I be now if I didn't nag him about that).

10. Tell him you like him. I say it too him all the time. I think he knows its true.

11.Receive his compliments. Fortunately, my parents taught me how to take a compliment so Russell has never had to put up with the annoying can't take a compliment girl. Personally, I can not stand it when you tell some one you like something and they make an excuse about it. Just say "Thank you" and move on. Or in my case I normally do something like, oh thanks! I got it at ______. My best compliment I get is "you are so much like your dad" (which then I say- I know, I make such a handsome girl. Where would life be without a little bit of sarcasm!)

12. Show her you love her and tell him you respect him. This was another one that took a little time but we have gotten there. He makes me coffee in the morning, takes the garbage out, and always says thank you for cooking for him. I know they are all little things- but that's what makes it so great. I listen to him, trust his decisions, and let him be in charge.

13. Go away together at least once a year. Of course- another one I will have to work on once the baby comes. Like I said, we love taking vacations together so I'm sure this won't be an issue.

14. Hang pictures of the two of you around the house. They are everywhere in our house- we make a pretty cute couple if I do say so myself.

15. Make his favorite dessert. Yellow cake with chocolate frosting. It's not just for birthdays anymore.

16. Have pictures of just the two of you made. I'm going to count our engagement pictures. My best friend took them for us, and the are fantastic!!

17. Spend time apart periodically. He works every other weekend at a casino right now, and plays softball on Wednesday nights. I have my girls nights, and work functions. What's that saying "
Absence makes the heart grow fonder".

18. Learn to enjoy something he loves. Baseball and Football- done and done! We never watched sports growing up in my house, now it's all that is ever on. I don't watch them all the time with him, but most of the time I will sit with him while he watches, or listen to him go on about a trade or player. I do know who Dustin Pedroia is....

19. Be affectionate. I'll put this down as a half of one. We are affectionate as far as kissing each other before we leave for work and when we go to bed. I do sometimes miss the cuddling that we did more when we were dating, or the constant contact we had. I think ever couple can always put a focus on being more affectionate with each other (unless you are groping each other in public- you can save that for private time!).

20. Compliment each other- yep! I always make sure to tell him when he looks nice. He does the same.

21. Let each other sleep in. I make sure on weekends that he works I don't wake him. Sleep is very important to us so I want to make sure he gets it.

22. Kiss everyday- sure do!

23. Forgive quickly. Russell is really good at this, I am still working on it.

24. Be honest. I think this goes for every type of relationship.

25. Get on the same page- plan your budget together. I do the finances for the household, but he has full access to the accounts. We set up our budget for special projects together, and I tell him when things are getting/ or have been paid. As a personal note- if you haven't thought about it, try out It's a very helpful tool if you are just trying to plan your spending, or keep track of your bills.

26. Get out of debt (and stay out). We are totally working on this. We are so close to being there- I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

27. Laugh together. We have the same sense of humor so this is pretty easier. Also, I'm a goof ball sometimes so we both can laugh at me.

28. Have a date night in. We do this often. We used to go out way more, but sometimes it is just nice to be at home with each other and the dog and cat.

29. Do chores for her. Like I said, he does the garbage, and currently he does the cat litter since I can't.

30. Exercise together. We take the dog for a walk quite often (she loves going for walks), and normally we have a New Year's resolution to get in shape so we work out together then.

Ways to make our Marriage Rock:
1.Revitalize the romance with intimate dates
2. Hide notes in secret places
3. Hide a treat in his glove box or at work
4. Read a marriage devotional
5. Sleep in his t-shirts
6. Renew your vows privately
7. Renew your vows publicly
8. Pick your battles
9. Frame your wedding vows (see how another pinterest pin becomes useful!)
10. Make sex a priority
11. Surprise each other
12. Give each other romantic coupons
13. Engage everyday in meaningful conversations
14. Be spontaneous
15. Argue Fair: don't use you always or you never
16. Look your best as often as you can
17. When you are together- be together (no phones, computers etc)
18. Talk about your favorite memories together
19. Make him breakfast in bed
20. Sit on the same side of a booth in a restaurant

So, 50 out of the 100 is a pretty good list in my eyes. Hope you find some that you can use as well!!

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