
Hospital Bag Packing List

With my labor right around the corner, I keep thinking that I really need to get our bag packed for the hospital. I am at a loss for what to bring for me, for her, and also what I need to pack for our dog. No, the dog won't be coming with us- but she does need to get her own bag packed for her trip to my in-laws.

I had two different lists on Pinterest on what to pack. The first one was just a spreadsheet of what to pack. It had some good ideas on it, but not very helpful. The second list was from Workman Family - talk about a detailed individual. This is why I love other bloggers. Because we like to be meticulous!

Now, I'm not going to pack everything she has on her list, but her is a mix up of what I think will end up in our bags to bring with us.
UPDATED 1/18/14

Sheridan's Bag:

1. Baby hat- it's going to be cold, she might need it. My cousins got me a cute pink one with little ears. I think that will come with us. We did get a hat at the hospital so we didn't need to bring one. It didn't hurt to have it with us though!

2. Socks- 2 pairs. Don't want her little tootsies getting cold. If you are a seasoned mommy- feel free to bring these with you. I'll be honest, my daughter is almost three months and we have used socks maybe 8 times. We live for sleepers!!

3. Scratch Mittens- I wouldn't have thought about this. I'm not sure if the hospital does these too or not, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared. Never used these either! Their nails are pretty soft right away so I would skip them. Also- if you buy sleepers that have the hand coverings on them- way better. Just look for the extra fabric on the cuff, it folds over your babies hands.

4. Binky's- we have two we will bring. One says I love mommy, the other says I love daddy. Pretty appropriate. HA! Let's talk about this. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggest not giving a pacifier until breastfeed is well established. Also- talk to you parents and your partner's parents about how you did with pacifiers. Apparently, my sisters and I wouldn't use them, and neither did Russell or his brothers (we were all a bunch of thumb suckers). I have tried to give a pacifier to her about 20 times- she spits it out always. ALWAYS.

5. Johnson's Take-Along Pack. I know they say that they have diapers, shampoo, etc but I want to be prepared. This kit has baby powder, baby wash, lotion, shampoo, and desitin all in travel size so if I don't use it, no big deal. It doesn't take up that much space. I also have a small pack of diaper wipes, once again just in case. Once again, didn't use this! Not a single thing in it...

6. Safety 1st Deluxe Grooming Kit. This is another, doesn't take up a lot of space, but wouldn't hurt to have. We got it as a baby shower gift and it looks fantastic. It has a thermometer, nail clippers, brush and combs, nasal aspirator, and a few other items. Hey-first thing I found useful. We used the brush after her bath. Also, we probably would have used the thermometer had the hospital not given us one as a gift. And- if they give you a nasal aspirator, TAKE IT! the one in this kit sucks.

7. 6 different outfits. Once again its going to be cold so I'm going to do 2 long sleeve pj's and 2 long sleeve onesies with some cute little pants, and 2 sleeper gowns. Also, my mom made this sleep sack that I will bring with us to keep her warm. Wow- over packer at her extreme. So, here's the run down. We went into the hospital on Saturday, she was born on Monday, and we were out on Wednesday. At most, bring four outfits. And I'll mention this again, if you are a seasoned mom, go ahead and do the onesies. If your new to the whole mommy thing, let me make the suggestion of the sleepers (long sleeve pj's). Fighting with your child, while being worried you are going to hurt them while trying to figure out how to do onesies is not worth it. We, at three months are finally getting used to onesies, but still love the sleepers. They are just so much easier. However, the onesies, now that her neck is stronger are going better. It's up to you- but that's my two cents. Oh- and here's a video of how to get a onesie on- pretty helpful: 

8. Newborn diapers. I think this is a good idea, I have no idea what our hospital does for diapers, but we have a bunch of free samples so I'm just going to throw them in her bag. Go ahead and pack these, if only for the sheer fact of practicing to remember to bring diapers with you where ever you go. And, let's be real. You are probably going to have a friend that tells you to take everything with you from the hospital: chucks, diapers, pads, aspirator, wipes, etc. And, if you are like me, you are going to roll your eyes (when they aren't looking, because you are nice like that) and think you are above it. Don't be above it- you are paying for those items, take them. Our nurse even told us to take them.

9. Receiving blankets. Again, we got a few super cute ones from my cousins so we'll bring two to swaddle her in. Yes- if you want. The hospital had great receiving blankets. And if you find big receiving blankets- they are amazing!!

So really, your list should read like this: a baby hat, baby brush, 4 sleepers, receiving/burp blanket, and a "few" diapers.

My Bag:

1. Flip flops. What a smart idea. Perfect for hospital living. Yes- as long as your feet aren't too swollen to fit in them.

2. Slipper Socks- I hate wearing real socks. I have a few pair of slipper socks that I wear around the house so they will come with me. I would bring my puppy dog slippers, but my husband is embarrassed when I wear them, so I'll save them for home. Even better if your feet are swollen.

3. Snacks. Since it will be after Halloween, any extra candy we have will come with us, and I think the idea of bringing coins for the vending machine is a good idea. Our hospital has a great food service menu so I think we will be okay, but you never know. Sure- this is a good idea. As long as they let you eat.

4. Bra and Undies. I'm totally not a fan of nursing bras. I don't care- I'm not wearing it. I have a large chest, and have a hard enough time finding bras that fit, so I'm sticking with what I got. I do have this great VS soft lace bra that should work just fine, and I'll bring a spare. The one list says to pack 10 pairs of underwear- I feel like that is over kill. We are going to go with 5, I don't plan on being in there for more that 2 days. And I caved and bought a nursing bra, and it worked out well for me. Even if you have a large chest, maybe just try it, and see that they aren't that bad. I felt like 5 pairs of undies was good. Once you go into labor, you are stuck in these hospital underwear that are horrible- oh, and when you are done, you are still stuck with them, and pads. Probably one of the things I liked the least...

5. Going home outfit. This totally means my crop yoga pants because they are the most comfy things I own, a long shirt (I don't wear t-shirts, except for bed and working out) and a zip up hoodie. Seriously- bring the most comfy thing you own!

6. After delivery outfit. I have some long yoga pants that I love, and these fantastic tank tops that I got at target. Most weekends while pregnant, I have lived in these clothes so they will work for after delivery as well! Yep, not a bad idea.

7. My "pack" bag. A few years ago, there was an article in some fashion magazine about having a pack bag with toiletries in it so when you take a trip, you have everything ready to go. I have a hybrid of this bag that includes all of these items, along with my makeup. So it's got the deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, razor, body pouf, body wash, toothbrush, tooth paste, contact case, glasses, solution, floss, tweezers, etc. Seriously everything. If I ever find that I will pin it- or maybe just pin it one day with everything I carry. Along with this, my make up sits in the middle of the bag so it will be an easy grab and go item. The best thing I did at the hospital was taking a shower the day after my C-section. It hurt to move, but it felt so much better just to be clean. I did my hair and make-up and was a real human again!

8. Breast Pads- we have samples of these as well, so might as well get use to them in the hospital. These weren't necessary, as your milk really doesn't come in for 3-5 days.

9. Maxi pads- I hear that you need these........I haven't worn a maxi pad since I was in high school, so it should be interesting. Once again, the hospital gives you pads- these massive things, but if you are a bleeder- they are necessary. I never used mine until I got home.

10. Birth certificate paperwork. I have everything filled out with the exception of her name and the date. I mean, cauz what if she turns out to be a boy- or come early or later. duh. Hey, guess what- not needed. We didn't get hers until she was a month old because we had to wait for the courthouse to get the information from the hospital.

Boston the Dog's Bag: She was pretty easy to pack for because we've done it a few times.

1. Tie down. The in-laws don't have a fenced in yard and she likes to run around so we have a spare tie down for her to use outside.

2. Treats- While they have treats for them, we don't want to be a mooch so we'll pack a bag for her to bring to share.

3. Dog Food- Once again, they have food but we want to make sure she doesn't eat all of there stuff.

4. Toys- She has a favorite bone, and a toy named rocky that she plays with all the time. She's done very good with other babies at the house but I want to make sure she knows she's loved so it's an easy transition to welcome the new baby home to her.

5. Leash- for short walks around the yard.

Last Minute Items:

I like her idea of making a card for all the things you need to pack/do before you leave the house so here's my list of Last Minute Stuff:

1. Laptop and Charger- I think I would maybe go through withdrawals with out it.
2. Camera and Charger- just in case. We are both phone camera people, but it's good to have
3. Movies- just a few to throw in to watch if we get bored (not sure if that will really happen or not, but I know I brought movies to my friend when she was up there so we might as well).
4. Phone Charger- can't live without this.

5. Feed Cat- my parents are going to come check on him, but we want to make sure he has enough food and water to make it without us.
6. Call List- We obviously have a group of people that we want to know when we go into labor so it will just be a nice little reminder to call them when we leave for the hospital.
7. Unplug and lock up. Depending on what day it happens, we want to make sure we don't have holiday decorations still going, and that all of our doors are locked up. Nothing worse than coming home to a broken house, or even worse- no house at all. (so, sometimes I worry to much, but better safe than sorry).

So that's my list of stuff. Hopefully this helps you pack your bags as well for when you need to meet your new little one! One last thing to mention- make sure you have your car seat in place and checked out about a month before your due date. It's not something you want to have to think about after the fact!

And one more thing to think about. We brought a laundry basket to haul all of our gifts out.

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