
Clean Your Keurig

That's right, we are in the Keurig group. We love it! My husband did not one to get one, but I kept saying how much he would like it, and lo and behold last Christmas he bought me it. I think that we use it everyday and it has been fantastic. But lately, it has been saying "descale" and I had no idea what that means. Because of course, I didn't know where our manual is. But, I have had this pin forever labeled "how to clean your Keurig" and I thought- well, maybe this could help us out. So, I went and viewed it, and it basically talks about running vinegar through the machine a few times, and then doing a water rinse and that will solve the problem. This is pretty much what you do, but we still ended up with it saying "descale".

Unfortunately, when you use it everyday, and it's out of commission (sort of- it still would make coffee, just not enough) you really want it fixed- NOW. I decided to Google Keurig Manual, and found the instructions for how they want you to descale your Keurig. So, here are their step by step instructions. This works for the Elite B40, Classic B44, Special Edition B60 and Platinum B70. Go to the Keurig website if you have a different model, as some have different instructions for descaling.

You Need:
48 oz of undiluted white vinegar
Large ceramic mug
Access to an empty sink

1. Empty the water in the water reservoir container.
2. Disable Auto Off Features (in your menu settings).
3. Pour approx. 48 oz of the vinegar into the reservoir container.
4. Place the ceramic mug underneath onto the drip tray and run a brew cycle. Don't use a K-cup, just press brew.
5. Pour the "used" vinegar into the sink.
6. Repeat steps 4 & 5 until the "add water" is indicated on the display screen.
7. Let the brewer stand for at least 4 hours while the machine stays on.
8. Discard any residual vinegar and rinse the water reservoir container thoroughly.
9. Ensure the water reservoir container is filled with fresh filtered water.
10. Place the ceramic mug on the drip tray and run a brew cycle through.
11. Pour the water into the sink.
12. Repeat steps 10 & 11 until the "add water" is indicated on the display screen.

*I suggest you then repeat steps 9-12 again (so run 2 full containers of water through the Keurig).

If de-scale is still displayed after this, repeat the entire process again. If not- YAY! Your Keurig should be clean of mineral deposits and you should be back to a full cup!

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